National Center to Encourage Judaism

A Private Foundation Funding Programs that


Learn How to Apply

Apply Now for Grants for Fall Programs!
We Fund Intro, Interfaith Engagement, and Holiday Programs
We Reimburse for Marketing, Security, and Related Expenses

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We Give Grants to Organizations

NCEJ funds programs worldwide to engage, educate, and connect interfaith couples, people interested in conversion, and others who want to explore becoming part of the Jewish community. About our mission

Grant Applications

Applications are accepted throughout the year, and decisions are generally made within 45 days. The application process is straightforward, and questions are encouraged. Get more details

Grant Giving at a Glance

NCEJ funds marketing, program materials, virtual programming, and certain other expenses.
Programs must have an educational component. Learn More

Programs We Fund:

  Holiday workshops
  Intro to Judaism classes
  Israel engagement
  Interfaith programs

What We Fund:

  Digital/print marketing
  Program materials
  Room rental

Who We Fund:

  Federations and JCCs
  National Jewish organizations
  Jewish groups worldwide

Our Grant Giving is Growing

For over 35 years, the National Center to Encourage Judaism (NCEJ) has been providing grants to established Jewish nonprofits that sponsor programs that attract more people to Judaism. We fund a variety of programs (online, hybrid, and in-person) for people interested in conversion, interfaith families, and others who are new to Judaism. Read more about the fund’s history.

Recently we’ve expanded our giving, both nationally and internationally. Our goal is to provide grants for a diverse group of organizations, and a mix of programs. We place a priority on marketing, to widen the audience and increase attendance for both single events and multi-session programs, traditional classes and experiential learning.

Apply Now
NEW! NCEJ is now funding Israel engagement programming for people exploring Judaism.
We also fund marketing, program materials, security and related expenses:
Send Your Request
Flag of Israel
  • "We are grateful to NCEJ for being our partner in this program. Participants reflected how grateful they were to engage in meaningful Jewish programming that invited their families to be with us."

    - The Jewish Federations of North America

  • "We deeply appreciate the grants awarded to these programs by the NCEJ for this purpose and we have received strong positive feedback from families who feel more connected to Judaism and more educated as a result."

    - Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism

  • NCEJ remains our most valued partner in this work. You have been our champion since the inception of Jewish&, and it is with your help that we continue to grow and deepen our impact in Toronto."

    - Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre Toronto

  • "Most importantly, the NCEJ grant enabled us to welcome 300 participants from Russian-speaking interfaith families that now know that they have a Jewish "home" where they can learn and become closer to Judaism."

    - Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism

  • "Thank you for what you do...and for helping students all over the country learn about the beauty of Judaism."

    - Rocky Mountain Rabbis and Cantors

  • "Thank you for your generous grant. Through BI Neighbourhoods we are able to create a welcoming Jewish environment where families can learn simple and easy traditions and connect to each other and with Beth Israel…"

    - Congregation Beth Israel, Vancouver Canada

  • "We are such a small community and your support has allowed us to reach out to those in our community who are curious about Judaism and want to learn more."

    - Temple B’nai Israel, Monroe Louisiana

  • "We are so grateful to the National Center to Encourage Judaism foundation for such an opportunity to make the Jewish programs for youth in Ukraine to feel together as a big jewish community."

    - Hillel Kyiv, Ukraine

Helping Judaism Grow from Generation to Generation

NCEJ’s Program Pillars:

  • Holiday how-to workshops
  • A Taste of Judaism®
  • Judaism 101
  • Conversion classes
  • Elements of Judaism
  • Taste of Hebrew
  • Interfaith family engagement
  • Journey to Judaism discussion group
  • Home to Home holiday celebrations
  • Online outreach and engagement
Learn More About What We Fund
JCC Association of North America
Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) - NCEJ Affiliate
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion - NCEJ Affiliate
American Jewish University (AJU) - NCEJ Affiliate
Goldring/Woldenberg Institute ​of Southern Jewish Life
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) - NCEJ Affiliate
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) - NCEJ Affiliate
World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ)
Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMRPJ) - NCEJ Affiliate
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

Helping Judaism Grow from Generation to Generation


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