Applying for a Larger Grant
Grant Overview
Our grants cover marketing, program materials, and other expenses for both single events and multi-session programs, traditional classes and experiential learning. One of our primary priorities is marketing – we want our grantees to promote their programs using a variety of methods to widen their audience and bring in new people. Programs must have an educational component. Learn more about what we fund.
If you are a larger organization, please review our guidelines below. You may submit your own proposal (based on the guidelines below) or complete our online proposal form. You may also contact NCEJ directly and we will get back to you.
FAQs About Our Larger Grants
Guidelines for Larger Grant Requests
Proposal Guidelines For Larger Grants
Please keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your proposal.
1. Contact Information
- Organization Name/Address
- Contact Name/Title
- Phone/Email — include a primary and secondary contact
- Alternate Contact — different person in your org
- Phone/Email for Alt Contact
- EIN — for U.S.-based nonprofits only
2. Program Information
- Program Description
- How does it meet NCEJ’s funding goals (be specific)
- What is the purpose of your program?
- Has the program (s) been done before?
- How many participants do you anticipate attending? (If the program has been done before, how many attended in the past?)
3. Prior Funding / Where else are you applying
- Have you received a grant from NCEJ in the past?
- How has the program been funded in the past (if applicable)
- Where else are you applying for a grant?
4. How do you plan on using the grant?
NCEJ reimburses for marketing, program materials, and some staff support. We place a priority on marketing, to enable an organization to reach a wider audience and bring in more people outside their usual network.
Please be as specific as you can at this time, with a breakdown of the types of costs — this is necessary for NCEJ to make a qualified decision on your grant.
Please provide estimated costs, or attach a proposed budget for the following categories:
- Marketing (national/regional digital media, hyperlocal advertising, flyers/banners/postcards, other channels)
- Program materials (books, holiday prayer handouts, Jewish celebration kits, ritual items)
- Staff costs (program coordinators/facilitators)
- Other
5. Marketing
- How will the program be marketed?
- Are you planning on using any new forms of marketing if you get an NCEJ grant?
- Please provide estimated costs for each type of marketing you plan on using
6. Program Materials
- What program materials would the grant enable you to purchase (or enable you to provide at lower cost to students)
- If Jewish celebration kits, what is the unit cost/kit and what are some of the items that might be in each kit?
7. Other Expenses
- If applicable, please describe other program expenses for which the grant might be used.
Please remember that NCEJ does not reimburse for all program costs.
8. For Umbrella Grants:
- Why NCEJ should fund the program you are proposing. (We are interested in specific ways the program will connect, educate, and engage people with Judaism)
- Description of the program
- Budget for the program, and amount you wish NCEJ to fund.
- If the program has been offered in the past, who has funded it? If a new program, what other foundations are you applying to?
- How will your members/affiliates be notified of the availability of the program?
Apply for a Grant
Applications are considered throughout the year.
If your grant request is more than $10K, or you are a larger organization giving out sub-grants:
Please complete our online proposal form instead of a grant application. You may reply back with more details or add a page if you need more space. Or email Ellen Gerecht, Executive Director, your own proposal (based on the guidelines above). We will generally get back to you with a decision within 45 days.
If your grant request is under $10K:
Visit our Grant Process page, or download the application below. Best edited in Adobe Reader (free download).
Download Grant Application