Following is a list of some of our current and past grantees.
American Jewish University
Institute of Southern Jewish Life
Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish Theological Seminary
Union of Reform Judaism
Women of Reform Judaism
Jewish Discovery Institute, Newton, MA
jHUB, Jewish Federation of Cleveland
JCC Pittsburgh
Rabbinical Assembly of Greater Kansas City
Rocky Mountain Rabbinical Council, Denver
Bet Shalom Progressive Jewish Community, Barcelona
Congregation Beth Israel, Vancouver
Friends of Bnei Anousim
Hillel CASE (Central Asia and Southeastern Europe)
Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism
Jewish Learning Lab, Montreal
Joint Distribution Committee
Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, Toronto
Project Kesher
World Union for Progressive Judaism
Beth Shalom v’Emeth Reform Temple, Brooklyn, NY
Bet Chaverim, South King County, WA
Congregation Beth Hatikvah, Summit, NJ
Congregation Emanu-El, Waukesha, WI
Congregation Keneseth Israel, Allentown, PA
Jewish Enrichment Center, Chicago
Kehillah Richmond, Richmond
Ner Tamid, Las Vegas
North Shore Jewish Center, Port Jefferson, NY
Sha’ar Zahav, San Francisco
Temple of Aaron, St Paul
Temple Beth El, Huntington, NY
Temple Beth El, Charlotte, NC
Temple Emanu-el, Tucson
Tidewater Chavurah, Virginia Beach
Virginia Tech Hillel, Blacksburg, VA

Global Women Passover Project Kesher