Selected Articles
Choose a category: General Information | Conversion | Engagement | Holidays | Interfaith | Jews of Color | Jews by Choice | Virtual Programming | Additional Resources and Relevant Jewish Groups | Videos | Jewish Artwork
General Information
- Going on Offense: Why we ran an ad for Judaism during an NFL game - by Rabbi Josh Feigelson, Nov 2022. eJewish Philanthropy
- Syncing our Words and Actions to be a Welcoming Community by Rabbi Danny Burkeman, eJewish Philanthropy
- There are more American Jews – and they’re staying Jewish - by Leonard Saxe, Ph.D - May 2021. The Times of Israel
- The New Jews by Liel Leibovitz, May 2021. Tablet.
- 10 key findings about Jewish Americans - by Becka A. Alper and Alan Cooperman, May 2021. Pew Research Center

- Sharing the Challenges and Blessings of Being Jewish and New-ish by Sue Bojdak,
- At The Edge of the Water by Yanira Quiñones,
- Why My Introduction to Judaism Online Class Was So Valuable by Tristan Hear,
- Choosing Judaism: Why One Grandmother Made a Public Commitment, by Heather Mendel,
- Conversion marked an important step on his pioneering path, by Esther D. Kustanowitz, Jewish Journal
- And your God will be my God’: For one Jewish convert, the wait is over, by Deborah Fineblum, Jewish News Syndicate
- Did You Convert to Judaism? An Invitation to Share Your Story by Bradley Caro Cook, Ed.D., Lauren Post, and Austin Reid, eJewish Philanthropy
- Surprising Trends Driving Conversion to Judaism - by Mark Oppenheimer, May 2021. Tablet
- Converting to Judaism and Telling My Catholic Family - by Joe Grasso. 18Doors
- What Are We Talking about When We Talk about Engagement? by Dr. Erica Brown, eJewish Philanthropy
- We Are Building Something More: Jewish Education & Engagement in 2020 and Beyond by Dr. Beth Cousens, eJewish Philanthropy
- "Miriam's Song" video by Project Kesher. Activists from 6 countries, 3 continents, and multiple generations offer a fresh take on the song in honor of Debbie Friedman and the Ma'yan Seders. Project Kesher supports a large grassroots network of Jewish women leaders in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and Israel, as they advocate for Jewish community, civil society, and women’s empowerment, health, and safety.
- JDC Deploying Digital Passover Resources to Connect Global Jewish Community by eJewish Philanthropy
- Digital resources for Passover 2020 by eJewish Philanthropy
- Online Passover Resources from the Rabbinical Assembly of Greater Kansas City by The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City
- Origins and Customs of Purim by The National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP). A selection of the various histories, traditions and practices of Purim.
Rosh Hashanah
- Reform Judaism and 'Tashlich', link shared by The Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism. Facebook video feature about the ritual from i24NEWS English.
- Keeping the Faith: Is intermarriage threatening American Judaism or renewing it? by Lawrence Goodman, Brandeis Magazine Intermarriage
- Serving Interfaith Families: Current Realities and Opportunities in Conservative Synagogues by Stacie Garnett-Cook and Rabbi Joshua Rabin, eJewish Philanthropy
- Life Stages and the Needs of Interfaith Couples, Beyond Welcoming: Engaging Intermarried Couples in Jewish Life by Michelle Shain, Leonard Saxe, Fern Chertok, Graham Wright, Shahar Hecht, Theodore Sasson. Brandeis University Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies
- Interfaith Families Are An Essential Part Of Our Community. Stop Excluding Them by Judi Bromberg, The Jewish Forward
- Why InterfaithFamily and USCJ Partnered to Help Conservative Synagogues Engage Interfaith Families by Stacie Garnett-Cook and Rabbi Joshua Rabin, eJewish Philanthropy
- Expanding not diluting: Embracing Jewish+ families, by Alison Weikel & Rachel Weinstein White, August 2021. eJewishPhilanthropy
- Intermarriage increasingly leads to Jewish children, Pew study shows - by Louis Keene, May 2021. The Forward
- Interfaith Families: Reform Judaism Sees You, Welcomes You, is You! - posted by Union for Reform Judaism

Jews of Color
- Study: Jews of color love Judaism but often experience racism in Jewish settings by Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service
- New major US study on Jews of color highlights experiences of discrimination, by Asaf Shalev, The Times of Israel
- Experiences of Jews of color now grounded in hard data, by Jamie Anfenson-Comeau and Asaf Shalev, Washington Jewish Week
Jews by Choice
- How the Jews by choice experience can make us all better Jews by Esther D. Kustanowitz, Jewish Journal
- How Jews By Choice Do Weddings, by Darcy Vebber, Jewish Journal
- Intro 2.0 Ensures Jews By Choice Won’t Be Left Dripping at the Mikvah, by Rabbi Adam Greenwald, Jewish Journal
- Why I Love Jews By Choice, by Rabbi Dan Moskowitz, Jewish Journal
- Service Reaches Out to Jews By Choice by David Finnigan, Jewish Journal
- Not Born Into the Tribe: The Power of Judaism Makes Converts Out of Three Now Clergy by Journeys, a digital publication produced by USCJ
Virtual Programming
- Longtime Virtual Rabbi Offers Advice on “Doing Jewish” Online - Video by Rabbi Juan Mejía, who has been teaching online for a decade - March 2020, My Jewish Learning
- A Recording of Rabbi Juan Mejía's Conversation About Online Judaism on 3/15/20. Be’chol Lashon Facebook. Thanks to jewishLIVE and Oshman Family JCC.
- Virtual Community and Informative Resources - powered by The Jewish Federations of North America.
- What Congregations Have Learned from Shifting Intro and Taste Programs Online, October 27, 2020, Rabbi Miriam Wajnberg,

Additional Resources & Relevant Jewish Groups
We encourage and support programs geared towards people who don’t identify as Jewish to engage, educate, and connect them with Judaism. Have a link to share? Contact us.
- Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University Website:
- 18Doors - formerly : "Our Year of Firsts" program
- The Jewish Learning Lab, Canada: "Jew It Yourself" program
- Be’chol Lashon
- Building Jewish Bridges
- Hillel
- Jews of Color
- Kulanu
- Shavei Israel

Pictured: Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism
- Your People Are My People - Sermon on Intermarriage by Rabbi Angela Buchdahl at Central Synagogue in NYC.
- Diverse Jewish Voices - Video by Rabbi Juan Mejía
Jewish Artwork
- Ukriane Jewish Calendar -- artwork selections below by Project Kesher. View the full interactive calendar here to see each month and all the art.